Come on! Laravel is awesome, you are awesome, and you want to make search in your app awesome. Good news! It's easier than ever to integrate your Eloquent models with wicked fast document search providers.
Steven Maguire is here to walk you through Scout, a new feature in Laravel 5.3, that does just that. He'll show you how to integrate Eloquent models with Algolia search, demo the results in an impressive user interface, and inspire you to build your own Scout provider.
Presented to:
- Laravel Chicago Meetup Group on Sep 26, 2016
At the beginning of 2015 my Github profile was completely empty and I communicated a goal of contributing to one new open source project per month throughout the year. Over the next 12 months my profile grew to include over 40 public repositories, composed mostly of well tested, well documented, easily implemented, framework agnostic PHP libraries. Additionally, I was welcomed into the prestigious League of Extraordinary PHP Packages, where I eventually contributed to the core for two very popular libraries. Today, my individual packages have been downloaded and utilized over 26,000 times and I'd like to spend about an hour sharing some interesting details of this journey with you, and hopefully inspire you to begin getting involved in the open source community; it's not as scary as it may seem.
Presented to:
- Chicago PHP User Group/Refactor::Chicago on Mar 7, 2016
- Flourish! Conference on Apr 2, 2016
- UniForum Chicago on Jul 27, 2017
Caching data within your application is a proven technique to improve performance. Laravel ships with a great data caching service and approachable documentation for your Hello World example project.
Implementing data caching as a layer within your application can bring a bit of frustration. Steven Maguire is back to share some stories and one approach to taking the, already minimal, pain out of implementing a data caching layer in your application, complete with domain specific cache configuration, policies, data flushing, and a working demonstration project.
Presented to:
- Laravel Chicago Meetup Group on Oct 27, 2015
With the excitement of PSR 7 ( and the significant architectural improvements made in Laravel 5, it's time to talk about how Middleware will make your development more enjoyable, faster and easier to maintain.
Steven Maguire is back with another talk on the topic of Middleware. Steven will spend some time reviewing and defining Middleware, identify some other technology areas that use a similar pattern, talk about Laravel's implementation of Middleware, all while using an open source website he built to demonstrate key concepts. The demo application will tackle an emerging browser security concern around Content Security Policy enforcement using response headers.
Presented to:
- Laravel Chicago Meetup Group on Jul 29, 2015
Join Steven Maguire in designing and building an If This Then That (ifttt) clone project while focusing on the creation, usage, and handling of custom events in a Laravel 5 project. The 45 minute presentation will review the benefits of the Events architecture, a solution design review, code snippets, and a few examples of working code. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A discussion with the whole group.
Presented to:
- Laravel Chicago Meetup Group on Apr 22, 2015
As Laravel continues to grow in popularity as does the need to use modern operational tools and processes to deploy the projects so their glory can be appreciated during launch and maintenance.
I have found and Forge to be great additions to the Laravel project landscape. I would like to share this joy with other Laravel enthusiasts.
Presented to:
- Laravel Chicago Meetup Group on Oct 14, 2014